By Michael J.E. Greff, MD
Promoting strong digestive health is an important factor contributing to a healthy immune system.
The digestive tract is one of the most complex and extensive components of the immune system, housing nearly 70 per cent of your body’s immune cells. Additionally, approximately 90 per cent of your body’s Serotonin, the feel-good hormone, is produced in the gut. Both our immune system and how we feel is directly impacted by what we eat.
Now let’s talk about constipation! We all have bowel movements! We experience changes in our stool!
Constipation happens when you experience infrequent or hard-to-pass stools, hard or lumpy stools or when your bowel movements leave you with the feeling of being incomplete. Difficult and irregular bowel habits can be uncomfortable, disruptive to our daily routines and diminish our feeling of well-being leading to a decreased quality of life.
The first step towards improving digestive health is understanding what is normal for you. Not everyone needs to have a bowel movement each day. Your normal may be anywhere from three times a week to even three times a day!
Perceptions of constipation often vary based upon our own personal experience, family and culture. While approximately 38 per cent of the Canadian population reports symptoms of constipation, it is normal for everyone to experience some of these symptoms from time to time. If your normal schedule is off, it could be constipation.
In most cases, constipation is a symptom, not a disease. Constipation may be the result of not eating enough fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which all provide us with dietary fibre that can help keep us regular. As we age our digestive tract may slow down making the need to manage our digestive health more apparent.
Often constipation can be managed through changes to your diet, drinking more fluids, and exercise. When these changes don’t seem to be enough, new and exciting natural health products offer novel solutions to improve not only our bowel health and regularity but also our immunity!
At KGK Science, we are conducting a study looking at how Floradapt™ Mature Immune Defense can improve nutrient uptake, enhance the immune system and improve digestive health in a healthy population. Your participation in our study will help us determine this. Floradapt™ Mature Immune Defense is a specially formulated probiotic containing two proprietary probiotic strains of Lactobacillus plantarum.
We are looking for both healthy women and men aged 50 to 85 years who currently experience constipation in one of the three following forms:
– experience less than three complete spontaneous bowel movements (CSBM) per week. These are bowel movements which are not interrupted or split between bathroom visits. Returning to the bathroom does not constitute a separate bowel movement but the continuation of an interrupted visit,
– at least 50 per cent of your bowel movements consist of separate hard lumps or hard-lumpy sausage-like stool (Bristol Stool Scale – BSS Type 1 or Type 2), or
– have less than five bowel movements per week with at least 25 per cent of these also being separate hard lumps or a hard-lumpy sausage-like stool (BSS Type 1 or Type 2) combined with excessive straining during most bowel movements.
Participating in one of our studies makes you a Health Hero taking part in cutting edge research! We take steps to ensure our study participants are treated with the utmost levels of respect and confidentiality. For scientific purposes, each study has its own set of eligibility criteria that takes into consideration your age, gender, weight, height and/or medical history.
Additional study information will be determined upon online screening. Participants will be compensated $XXX for their time and are required to attend four study visits over a period of 98 to 130 days.
If you are interested in participating in this digestive health study, you can complete our online screening questions by visiting