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I’d Like to Conduct Research on My Product. What Now?

How do you differentiate your product on the market? Is it by having a superior quality formulation compared to your competitors’? Or by having an innovative delivery system that appeals to consumers? Both will assist in having a strong intellectual property (IP) position, but the ability to make claims substantiated by scientific evidence is the most effective.

With the rapid growth in innovation and product launches in the natural products industry, there has been an increase in human clinical trials being conducted to support both safety and efficacy for claims substantiation purposes. Although conducting a clinical trial may seem like a daunting and expensive task, it’s an important investment that will have a substantial return in the product’s life-cycle. A common question many ask is Where do I even begin? while you’re searching for a research partner, there are many factors you need to consider, these include:

  1. What is the objective of the clinical trial?
  2. What claim(s) are you looking to make on your product?
  3. What are your target markets and population?
  4. Are you interested in demonstrating safety, efficacy or bioavailability?

Once you have these fundamental questions answered, you can then address the more intimidating aspects of a clinical trial such as indication and design. Ensuring you have the right partner to help you navigate unknown territories will set the expectations and have the most appropriate design.

When choosing the right partner, the following should be considered:

Overall conducting a clinical trial takes preparation, realistic timelines, and an appropriate budget. Ensuring you are well informed before embarking on the clinical trial journey will allow you the opportunity to choose the right partner and gain the most out of the investment.
